Monday 12 October 2009

Bafana zombies to blame for loses

A lot has been spoken about the reasons for Bafana losing streak. Seven loses in eight games is nothing to smile about,as fans and commentators point fingers as to who is really to blame for this poor run. As per usual, the Bafana coach is first in the firing line for fans to vent their anger for these loses. Coach Santana has never had a good relationship with South African supporters, choosing to speak indirectly via an english translator in his native Portugese at media conferences and especially employing a defensive approach in his team selection have been the main issues of contention. But is Santana the reason for Bafana poor form?

Reading summary reports and watching tv clips of Bafana games it's clear that Bafana players are mentally and physically weak. And why shouldn't they be, when half the team are either off-form, injured or are benchwarmers at their respective clubs. Of the injured we have Pienaar, Khune and yes, Benni. From the benchwarmers we have Van Heerden(Blackburn), Parker(Twente) and Digkacoi(Fulham). And then we have those that are off-form like Sibaya who only recently returned from injury and Modise who is just tired. The rest are ball watching.

It's like watching a group of zombie-like players in green shirts at the moment and its making all of us mad. But there is nothing Santana can do in the short-term but plough on, hoping for a turnaround in the players club form.

Marlon is a part-time blogger, living in London.

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